Looking to jump start your EStore powered by RUSH? You’ve come to the right place! 

This quick start article will help you learn all the basics to get going.

Onboarding Stores and Store Personnel

Onboarding your stores is easy by using the Store module of the CMS! You can do a bulk upload of your branches using our template or do it one-by-one if you have lesser number of branches to manage. Each store on your CMS will be available on the Customer App when a customer searches for the nearest branch.

Once the stores are uploaded, you can now enroll your employees and assign them to their respective branches. Each employee will have a unique Employee ID and PIN that they will use to access the Merchant App. Having a unique access for each employee fosters accountability and better store management.

Configuring EStore Dynamics

Set the general mechanics of your EStore such as enabling single or various modes of payment, adding custom fees applicable to your operations such as Packaging Fee, limiting or widening the serviceable area of each branch, and managing the categorization of your products to build your menu.


Uploading Stock Keeping Units (SKUs)

Your products are definitely what your customers are after! 

The Products tab on the EStore module of the CMS allows you to create an index of all your SKUs that you can easily tag to all or specific branches.

Aligning Inventory on a per Branch level

After uploading all of your products on the CMS, you can now tag each products with their respective branch via the Locations tab. 

Once the assigning of products per branch has been completed, this will be reflected on Customer App and Merchant App.

Given that your store personnel are the ones overseeing day-to-day store operations, they can also update the inventory of the products assigned to their branch using the EStore Products feature on the Merchant App.

Managing Orders 

Keeping tab of orders doesn't need to be complicated. With RUSH, all orders are synced real-time on both Merchant App and the CMS so you will not miss out any order. There's also a loud sound to notify the store for any incoming order.

Every time a new order comes in, Store personnel can check the Order Items for a breakdown of the SKUs while the Order Details provide information about the customer such as Name, Address of Delivery, Contact Number, Mode of Payment, and Total Amount to be Paid by customer.

Store personnel can select the appropriate status for each order. The status of the order will be reflected on the Customer App to keep your customers updated.

BONUS! Offering Discount Vouchers

When your store issues promotional codes, you're providing customers with an incentive to buy, which benefits both customer and the business. Customers get the products they want for a lower price while your ecommerce store generates revenue.

The RUSH platform allows you to create Promo Codes with set logic that you can customize depending on your objective.