Once brand and/or product categories have been added, you can now begin uploading your products. You can differentiate product types between simple and variable. Simple products are those that do not have any product variations. Variable products, on the other hand, are those that have at least one variant for your customers to choose from.

Stock Keeping Units (SKUs), meanwhile, are alphanumeric codes used as identifiers assigned by the retailers to their products. Each item, variation, and add-on should have its own code to make it easier for merchants to differentiate every aspect/kind of product from another based on what merchants deem important (ex. color, size, etc.). Apart from product differentiation, SKUs are also used by merchants to monitor their stocks / inventory.

In this article:

You can add products to your store by doing an individual or list upload.

Individual Product Upload

To add simple products one by one from your eStore module:

  1. Go to the Products tab, which displays all your uploaded products, their categories and types, variations, SKU, and price.

  2. Click the +Add New Product.

  3. On the product set-up window, input the product name and description.

  4. On the variation option, select Simple.

  5. Select the product category from the dropdown menu.

  6. On the right window, input the product price and SKU.

  7. If applicable, create add-ons:

    1. Provide the add-on variation name.

    2. Add the variations of each add-on

    3. Input the number of variables for each add-on

    4. Once all add-ons are set up, click Generate.

    5. On the right window, configure each add-on by toggling on/off the applicable options

      1. If the add-on is tagged as free, just input the SKU

      2. If the add-on comes with a fee, toggle off the free option, input the price, and input the SKU

    6. Set the maximum add-on selection.

  8. Upload product images.

  9. Once done, click Save Product.

To add variable products one by one from your eStore module:

  1. Go to the Products tab, which displays all your uploaded products, their categories and types, variations, SKU, and price.

  2. Click the +Add New Product.

  3. On the product set-up window, input the product name and description.

  4. On the variation option, select Variable.

  5. Select the product category from the dropdown menu.

  6. Click +Add Attribute to add variant attributes:

    1. Provide the attribute name (ex. Size, color, material, etc.)

    2. Enter variation name (ex. small, medium, large)

      1. To add more variations under each attribute, click +Add Variation and input variation name

    3. Click Generate.

    4. On the right window, input the price and SKU of each variation

  7. If applicable, create add-ons:

    1. Provide the add-on variation name.

    2. Add the variations of each add-on

    3. Input the number of variables for each add-on

    4. Once all add-ons are set up, click Generate.

    5. On the right window, configure each add-on by toggling on/off the applicable options

      1. If the add-on is tagged as free, just input the SKU

      2. If the add-on comes with a fee, toggle off the free option, input the price, and input the SKU

      3. Set the maximum add-on selection.

  8. Upload product images.

  9. Once done, click Save Product.

List Product Upload

Uploading a list of products is a more convenient way of adding inventories to your store. Before doing a batch upload, download the templates available on the CMS (.zip file of CSV template and image folder). 

Once the form is accomplished and images are added into the image folder, you can upload your product list.

To upload your list of simple products from the Products tab of your eStore module:

  1. Click the Upload Simple Product.

  2. Select the appropriate .zip folder which should contain:

  3. The accomplished Simple Product .CSV file

  4. The image folder with all product images

  1. Confirm upload.

To upload your list of variable products from the Products tab of your eStore module:

  1. Click the Upload Variable Product.

  2. Select the appropriate .zip folder which should contain:

  3. The accomplished Simple Product .CSV file

  4. The image folder with all product images

  1. Confirm upload.

Managing and Updating Products

The CMS enables you to update the following information on your uploaded products:

  1. Product Name

  2. Product Description

  3. Product Category

  4. Regular Price of each item, variation (if applicable), and add-on (if applicable)

  5. SKU number of each item, variation (if applicable), and add-on (if applicable)

  6. Product image

To update a product’s information from your eStore module:

  1. Go to the Products tab, which displays all your uploaded products, their categories and types, variations, SKU, and price.

  2. Choose the product you want to update and click the edit icon.

  3. On the pop-up window, input (or select, if applicable) the updated product information:

    1. Product name

    2. Product description

    3. New product category

    4. Regular Price of each item, variation* (if applicable), and add-on* (if applicable)

    5. SKU number of each item, variation* (if applicable), and add-on* (if applicable)

  4. Add or delete product images.

  5. Once all edits are made, confirm changes by clicking SAVE PRODUCT.

Only price and SKU numbers are the changes allowed for variations and add-ons. If you need to add or change the variations or add-ons, you need to delete the existing product and re-upload it with the updated add-ons and/or variation attributes.